Tournament Information
We're bringing back an old tradition with the El Paso County Democratic Party with our annual golf tournament and this year with Texas Democrats visiting our wonderful community during the 2024 Texas Democratic Convention!
Date, Location, and Time
The tournament will be on June 6, 2024 with registration starting at 8:00 am and shotgun start at 9:00 am at Painted Dunes Golf Course in the immaculate Northeast El Paso, 12000 McCombs
How Much is it to Play?
The price for individual players is $125 or $500 for a team of four.
Visit our Single Player Registration or Team Registration to fill out the form and pay online.
Are There Sponsorships?
Yes! We have five sponsorship levels you can participate at:
Tee Box Sponsor: $150 which includes an ad with your name at a selected hole
Amigo Sponsor: $1,000 which includes a tee box ad, logo on our sponsor boards and banners.
Companero Sponsor: $2,000 which includes tee box ad, logo on our sponsor boards, and one team.
Chairman Sponsor: $3,500 which includes a tee box ad, logo on sponsor boards, stand alone banner, and two teams.
Tournament Presidential Sponsor: $5,000 includes everything from the Chairman, and the tournament will be named in your honor.
Visit our sponsor page to select a sponsorship level.
Other Questions
Are there other sponsorships? We also have a goodie bag and other sponsorships, contact us for more info or call George Cordova at 915-600-5040.
How far is Painted Dunes from Downtown El Paso? It's approximately a 20 minute drive from Downtown to Painted Dunes. Also, if you tell us within enough time, we will try to arrange transportation or you can use any ride share app to get there.
Can I donate if I'm a Corporate Sponsor? Yes! You will have to visit our corporate donation store to pay for your registration and/or sponsorships.
Will there be Lunch? Yes there will be lunch after the tournament and refreshments throughout the event.
Who do I contact for any other questions: You can send a message here or call George Cordova at 915-600-5040
Paid for by the El Paso County Democratic Party